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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When are my dues due?
Dues are due on or before the last business day of the current month. Any member failing to pay his/her dues at such time shall not be in good standing for such month but may restore such good standing for such month for the purpose of attending meetings, nominating, voting, and participating in affairs of the Local Union by the payment of his delinquent dues and late fees prior to said meeting. The majority of Local 223 members elect to have their dues automatically deducted from their paychecks by signing a dues checkoff authorization form. If you are on dues checkoff, you are not required to pay late fees if, for some reason, your employer does not deduct the dues for a particular month. However, it is still the member's responsibility to make up the dues payment and see that dues are current at all times.

Q: What is a withdrawal card and why is it so important?
If a member does not work any days in the bargaining unit during the current calendar month the member shall be issued an honorable withdrawal card upon request. All financial obligations including dues must be paid current at the time of the request. It is very important to request a withdrawal card in a timely manner as dues can accrue until a withdrawal card is requested. Upon returning to bargaining unit work, you, are required to contact the Local Union immediately to deposit your withdrawal card and return to "active" member status.

Q: What happens if I don't request an honorable withdrawal card?
If a member does not request a withdrawal card, he/she shall stand suspended at the end of the third month, and shall not be entitled to any rights or privileges of membership. Upon returning to employment at the craft a re-initiation fee plus back dues will be required for entitlement to the rights and privileges of membership.

Q: When do my medical benefits start?
That all depends on what benefits are negotiated into your contract. If your contract has the negotiated Oregon Teamster Employers Trust (OTET) health and welfare plans you MUST COMPLETE THE OTET ENROLLMENT FORM and typically will be eligible for medical and vision benefits after working the specified amount of hours stated in your contract in the previous month. PLEASE READ YOUR CONTRACT TO BE SURE OF WHEN BENEFITS START. There is a three month waiting period before the OTET dental coverage takes effect. PLEASE READ YOUR DENTAL PLAN BOOKLET TO CONFIRM ELIGIBILITY.

Q: What is the grievance procedure?
The grievance procedure provides for a series of steps or meetings where the union accompanies the member in seeking a resolution to violations of the contract, past practice, fair treatment, Federal, State or Local law, or management rules or policies. Steps and time limitations vary from local to local and contract to contract. First, contact your steward and try to informally resolve the problem with the supervisor. If that is unsuccessful, contact your local union labor representative to file a grievance.

Q: What are my Weingarten Rights?
One of the most important protections you have against disciplinary actions is a Supreme Court ruling, in the U.S., and law in Canada, that insures workers the right to have a union representative present when there is a discussion with management that could lead to discipline. In the U.S. this decision is referred to as the WEINGARTEN RIGHTS. It is important to make sure that you ask for union representation, because if you do not ask, the employer is not required to offer union representation. Basically, you should state the following in all situations where you think the questions could lead to discipline:

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that a union representative be present at the meeting. Without representation, I choose not to answer any questions."

Page Last Updated: Apr 10, 2024 (15:30:39)

Upcoming Events

General Membership Meeting - All Members Welcome
Feb 12, 2025
Teamsters Local 223 15 82nd Drive, Suite 10 Gladstone, OR 97027
General Membership Meeting - All Members Welcome
Mar 12, 2025
Teamsters Local 223 15 82nd Drive, Suite 10 Gladstone, OR 97027
General Membership Meeting - All Members Welcome
Apr 09, 2025
Teamsters Local 223 15 82nd Drive, Suite 10 Gladstone, OR 97027
General Membership Meeting - All Members Welcome
May 14, 2025
Teamsters Local 223 15 82nd Drive, Suite 10 Gladstone, OR 97027
Teamsters Local 223
15 82nd Drive, Suite 10
Gladstone, OR 97027

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