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Douglas County

Teamsters Local 223 and Douglas County have been in negotiations for the past eight (8) months and have reached mediation. The County is determined to eliminate the Teamster healthcare plan that Fleet, Road and Solid Waste employees have been utilizing for many years and replace it with a lesser plan which would substantially raise deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses for these hard-working essential employees and their families.

The County is also refusing necessary and well-deserved wage increases for Teamster members. The only increase being offered is the County’s attempt to off-set the increased costs to the members caused by moving to the County’s desired insurance, not to accommodate for the rise in inflation or to make wages competitive in the market.

The Union membership does not support:

  • Moving to CIS insurance or accepting the wage offer – members have stated they and their families will be unable to live off what would result. Members do not want to lose the ability to access Teamsters retirement insurance or the short-term disability through the current insurance program.
  • Agreeing to add the concept of “per County rules / policy” into the labor agreement (proposed by the County in multiple areas), or for the Union to pay the County for documents when investigating possible contract violations. 
  •  Forcing CDL drivers to get their medical cards through the County’s doctor and providing private health care information to the County. 

The Union urges the County to reconsider their offer and accept the Union’s most recent proposals, which are reasonable and provide the hard-working employees of the bargaining unit with what they need and deserve.

I would gladly encourage the public not to vote [for the current commissioners] come election time. I've worked here going on 19 years and it was great until now.

- Anonymous Teamster Member

I, Curtis Mudge, am willing to speak out. They have kept us behind the market in wages for years, and constantly brought new hires in at higher wages than existing employees. Stealing the insurance people depend on is a way of pushing the union out.

Without public works, without us clearing and maintaining our roads, our first responders wouldn't be able to answer the call of duty.
- Jed mudge

They won't give us proper wages or consider our feelings in any way, shape or form. It's clear that myself as a bottom of the barrel site attendant means nothing to them. They step on us, yet ask us to be in the line of fire. Then, when we ask for proper wages, and insurance to care for our families, we are looked at like it's a crazy request and denied without even hearing us out. How does that get us to want to work hard for them? 

- Anonymous Teamster Member

I am trying to understand why our county commissioners can't provide us with the same wage increase that they recently afforded to themselves? There was a rule I remember being taught when I was very young. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Oh how times have changed!! Now we operate under a new premise, taken from the book Animal Farm, ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL............. but, some are more equal than others? I am thankful for my job with Douglas county.  We all play an important role in serving the tax payers of Douglas County, I just wish that we could all be treated more as equals.
- Rod Murphey

I think it's really nice when we go out and do our jobs to the best of our abilities and if there is any recognition for our work, the county officials take credit. Our county road maintenance never gets the recognition it deserves; it's either given to the County Commissioners or to some outsourced company that comes in to help if needed, but we're never mentioned at all - or at least not in the last ten years I've been employed with the County.

- Paul R. Gardner

There is a lack of respect for the solid waste site attendants on all aspects. 
- Coral Ward

If you agree that these hardworking Teamsters deserve reasonable wages and benefits, email your county commissioners at in support.

You can copy and paste this template into the body of your email:


Douglas County Board of Commissioners

Tom Kress, Board Chair

Chris Boice, Commissioner

Tim Freeman, Commissioner

Re: Support of Teamsters  

Dear Board of Commissioners:

I am a proud citizen of Douglas County and I believe that everyone in our community deserves fair wages and proper health and welfare benefits. I am writing to urge you to accept the Teamsters’ offer and provide the Fleet, Road, and Solid Waste employees with their preferred healthcare and well-deserved raises.

With your leadership, we can raise the standard of living for our whole community. These benefits will not only improve the wellbeing of the Teamster members and their families, but it will show the citizens of Douglas County that you care about all of our wellbeing, as these Teamster members are an essential part of keeping the County livable and thriving.  

I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and hope you are inspired to agree to a fair contract.



Page Last Updated: Dec 27, 2023 (11:03:00)

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Teamsters Local 223
15 82nd Drive, Suite 10
Gladstone, OR 97027

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